Bizarre Feminism


# Bizarre Feminism


Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think? Which terms should be correct? Equal rights or fair rights?

Fishes will swim and birds will fly. It’s a natural phenomenon. Protesting with the agenda of Fishism to protect the flying rights of fishes will be a bizarre idea. Similarly Birdist crying to safeguard the rights of swimming is a bouncer for society. Just because Exocoetidae can fly doesn’t mean every white marlin will fly too or Pelican can swim doesn’t refers that all birds will swim! Come on, it doesn’t make sense.

Our women are completely, absolutely, purely and perfectly conscious about their rights. Women rights doesn’t mean giving authority to move-around half naked. It neither signify a girl to do whatsoever she wants nor a boy to enrol on anything he desires. There are some unwritten rules in the society that should be followed. For example, we don’t permit our girls to go outside at night alone as anything unpleasant can be occurred. Feminists will shout to tackle this but who the fu*k will be responsible if the girl gets raped or murdered?

There are some key differences between equal rights and fair rights.

When feminist talk about the equal rights of education, I agree with you because Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said “Education is compulsory for every Muslim.”

Will you talk about financial independence? I agree because Allah SWT says in Quran, “And wish not for the things in which Allah has made some of you excel the others. For men there is reward for what they have earned, (and likewise) for women there is reward for what they have earned, and ask Allah of His Bounty. Surely, Allah is Ever All-Knower of everything.” (V. 4:32)

What about choosing a spouse? Don’t you know the incident?

At the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), a woman came to him and said, “My father has married me to my cousin to raise his social standing and I was forced into it.” The Prophet sent for the girl’s father and then in his presence gave the girl the option of remaining married or nullifying the marriage. She responded, “O Messenger of Allah, I have accepted what my father did, but I wanted to show other women (that they could not be forced into a marriage)”

As a mother, as a wife, and as a daughter, both the Quran and prophetic traditions placed great emphasis on the importance of respecting women, and the great reward involved in showing her this honour and respect that she deserves.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) also encouraged men to treat their spouses in the best way, “The best of you are those who are best (in treatment) to their wives.”

Those are some very limited rights I tried to explain with Quran and hadith. In some places Islam dignifies woman more than man. Let alone the third world nations, visit the Islamic territories. You will enjoy the beauty of Islam where woman don’t have to stand in the queue, they get priority first. Where in most of the mosques you will find a woman prayer place. Where in many sectors woman works with complete governmental authority in hijab. From bureaucratic departments to a mini-market “she” will respected and dignified. Where a man will never ever get involved in conflict with a girl as he knows clearly she holds more diplomatic possession then him.


copyright @ Oggy

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