4 Innocent Mistakes Your Brain Makes To Keep You Safe


# 4 Innocent Mistakes Your Brain Makes To Keep You Safe


Napoleon Hill once said, “The reason man may become the master of his own destiny is because he has the power to influence his own subconscious mind.”

Your subconscious mind is a funny thing. On one hand, it wants the best for you. On the other, its definition of “the best” sometimes qualifies as self-sabotage.


1. Your Brain Stops You From Questioning Your Own Beliefs


Have you ever scrolled through your Facebook feed and noticed that almost everything you see is a reflection of your interests, beliefs and people you like?

Facebook has an algorithm to show you content that it thinks you’re going to like - and your subconscious mind does the same thing to your life by drawing you to opinions, people and places that match your own belief system.

The problem? It also blocks out anything it considers a threat to your comfortable worldview - which in turn, stops you from discovering alternate perspectives about life, work, love and everything that matters to you; keeping you trapped in a restrictive ‘Reality Bubble’.

Solution: Make a conscious effort to surround yourself with a variety of opinions and personalities, and stay open to evolving your own beliefs over time in a way that serves your higher needs.


2. Your Brain Makes You Lazy


You know what I’m talking about: Procrastination, jumping to conclusions, not finishing what you started, stereotyping people and situations without giving it much thought, etc.

There are many ways your brain takes sloppy shortcuts to try and save its computational power - but often at the expense of the greater good.

In trying to preserve its energy, your brain also robs you of the opportunity to maximize your productivity, learn new skills, understand others on a deeper level, and do work you can truly be proud of.

Solution: Create systems that encourage your subconscious mind to avoid shortcuts. Reward yourself when you finish a book, for example, and practice daily rituals that prevent procrastination. As you keep doing this, your brain will build new neural pathways for your desired behavior, making it more and more effortless as time goes on.



3. Your Brain Will Blame Anyone But You


One of the hardest things in life is admitting you were wrong. Why?

Because this forces you to take an honest look at yourself, knock down your ego a few notches, and adjust your behavior or beliefs so you don’t make the same mistake again.

Your brain would rather not put in this effort, and would much prefer to point to another person, situation or outcome as the source of the mistake. Just so you can dust your hands off and say, “It wasn’t my fault!”

Solution: Constantly remind yourself that mistakes are normal and can even be healthy stepping stones towards a better you. Making a mistake doesn’t dis-empower you; what’s dis-empowering is when you handle that mistake in the wrong way.



4. Your Brain Traps You In Busywork


Life coach Brian Tracy often reminds people that the secret to maximum productivity is to start your day with your most challenging and impact task. Your subconscious mind, on the other hand, tries to make you do the opposite - which is to set aside the uncomfortable high-impact tasks in favor of the easy, but ultimately meaningless ones.

If you’ve ever found yourself putting off that crucial presentation or phone call until the end of the day, then you’ll know how easy it is for this to become a bad habit.

Solution: Keep thinking about that lingering sense of dread at the back of your mind, when you know you’ve still got that one big task to finish at the end of the day - and how much better you’d feel if it was already done.

Adapted : The Blog

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