# Black
Among the
seven destructive sin, black magic is one. If any person practices black magic
or goes to a black magician then surely he is doing kufr and he has to renew
his iman. In common words, a magician is a person who worships shaytaan
(Nauzubillah) and sacrifice his soul in the name of shaytaan (Nauzubillah). In
return, shaytaan does certain work which is a kind of agreement between them.
Before 21st
century, magicians in general used to live in an isolated places with their own
black dress-up but today they are living among us. We are dealing with them
every single day without knowing the reality. Most cases they address themselves
as saints, sheikhs or pirs and wrench the teaching of Islam depriving the
believers from light. Yet possessed by jinn can be for many reasons and while
visiting raaqi we should be very careful. Distinctive features to recognize a black
magician may help us to stay under the shadow of Islam with a bright and pure
2. 2. If he asks you
to give any sweaty garment, nail, hair or any attached particle from your body,
is a black magician.
3. 3. If he asks you
to get a specific type of animal with certain features like crow, black sheep,
roaster or hen, then he is black magician. He slaughters this animals in the
name of shaytaan and ask you to put the remaining somewhere were people don’t usually
pass by so that the jinn can consume that animal
4. 4. If he writes
incantations, taweez or amulets, he is a magician.
5. 5. If he recites
unclear incantations, he is a magician. Sometimes it could be like “Bismillahir
Rahmanir Rahim sssssss..s..sss”
6. 6. If he gives you
paper containing squares, lines, pentagon, hexagon or maybe with circle, he is
a magician.
7. 7. If he instructs you
to stay in a dark room for a certain period avoiding others without talking, he
is a magician.
8. 8. If he advice you
to not to touch water for a specific time, he is a magician.
9. 9. If he gives you something to bury in the ground or burn in front of the house, then he is a magician.
10. If he claims that he knows your name, your parents name and town and purpose of visiting, he is a magician.
At the time
of Ahmed bin Humle (RA) a person claimed that he knows the number of grains in
bag of the people around. Many people came with grains in their bags and as per
challenge he accurately told the number until the turn of Ahmed Bin Humble
(RA). He was blurted out and warned to exposed to the then Khalifa. Later he
explained that when a person counts his grain, the qarin jinn with him counts
that too and exposed it to the magician. But Ahmed bin Humble didn’t count the
11. If he writes
broken letters on papers or white porcelain and instructs you to dissolve the writings
in water and drink, he is a magician .
Muhammed (PBUH) said, “If you go to a person who claims to know the unseen and
if you believe in him then you have disbelieved my prophethood”
May Allah
SWT guide us to the right path and save us from any kind of kufr. Ameen
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