Words of a Psychopath : Don't Take It Seriously


Once upon a time there was a boy called Zee.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Sia

Once upon a time there was love between a boy and a girl, between Zee & Sia.

He & She become plural.

Zee contributed with half part of his feelings, trust, believe and other necessary ingredients to make a perfect LOVE.

Sia provided with the remaining portions.

Thus, LOVE was created.

They love each other very preciously.


Well educated husband & wife, hankering after passion, running for personal goals & achievements.

Hubby trying to be a man. Wifey, too, trying to be a man.

LOVE stays lonely at home,

LOVE remains silent,

LOVE kept ignored,


LOVE was thinking how to live between two man as it can only survive among a gent and a lady.


LOVE was hungry

LOVE was yearning.

LOVE was wincing.

LOVE was crying.


LOVE died slowly yesterday night. Nobody noticed, neither the boy nor the boyly girl.

LOVE died with the feelings of the boy & the boy.

No LOVE, No bonding, No more “They”, No more plural


Only he & she, Zee & Sia.


It’s the story of every educated professional husband & wife, father & mother. Money and popularity make them so blind that they forget what they are together for.


Like LOVE, for breakage of every relationship , ignorance, hide & seek, extra marital affair, money, fame are greatly responsible.


For any well-established organization, one department brings sale & other does the internal paperwork. What if both department start working for sale only without doing any internal work?

Soon, the organization will move to destruction of itself.


Same, every family is an organization. A earning personality and a distribution & managing personality. Family ties break because of any department remaining isolated.


From the very beginning of earth, Men departments work for Sales Department.

Women departments do the internal affairs of a family organization. Is there any problem in doing so? Does education teach us only to run after own dreams?


Sometimes dedication, devotion, immolation can give you the best feeling you have ever felt and the best success award you have ever earned. Just in one condition, do your job properly, don’t interfere in others.

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